Say it loud and clear with no fear

Sometimes, things are written for memories. It doesn't have to mean a thing, it doesn't have to make sense. I don't write this blog for anybody's humour, but to just write it for my own. I'm not trying to sass about anyone, I'm just saying it in general. I wouldn't mind people not reading it, it's up to them. Why should they if they don't want to? They can just take a glance at this blog and just click that red icon on the top right of the screen and just stop. If anybody would have known me well enough, I don't really bother what they think about me, sure insults may hurt, sometimes joking may hurt too.

Words flow through our mind, each word reminds us of different things. Like for instance, when the word " cat " appears, the only thing I can think about is, the cat I saw being ran over 5 years ago. People might speak without thinking and ending up saying something that wasn't suppose to be said. Or sometimes people may just gossip about you, and they'd think you don't know. Sure people can gossip, I'm not saying it's wrong but you got to know how to talk in a correct volume so the person you talk about won't hear you. " What if I want the person to hear me? " Well, then talk loud enough, and be straight forward. It's better to be honest, as people say " Honesty is the best policy. " Sure it might hurt someone, maybe that someone might even change for the better and still be a friend, you might never know.

Those who are reading, if there's even anyone. Please do not take this the wrong way, I'm not talking about anyone in particular, but to a friend of mine who's going through friendship problems. I'm starting to sound like some lame counsellar, just going to stop now.


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