My so called first blog post!

Yes, you must be thinking " This girl can't make up her mind. " Well, I really can't. Sometimes I just feel like " I'm tired of blogging " and then sometimes will be like " Damn, I miss it ". For those who don't know what I'm talking about, forgive me and make way for explanation. It goes like this, this is not my first time blogging. I use to have blogs too, my first would be x-justbeingme-x.blogspot.com which was made when I was Fourteen when my life was still in Penang, and the second is xosomepersonxo.blogspot.com after I moved in the same year and of course, I deleted them. And now I'm here, with yet another new blog. The reason why, is not only because I miss it. I have weird moments like I'm doing something, I'll suddenly think of things to blog. And then I remembered I don't have one. I'll be like " damnn ". So here I am, fulfilling my thoughts. LOL. That sounds so weird. Well, new posts up soon, I hope.


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