Bananas are awesome

And yes, yes they are. If you don't think so, then think so! :P So what's up people?

It's been 13days since my last post. Next Monday's the first day of my final exam. The first paper for me will be Bahasa Melayu. Damn, I'm a Malaysian who doesn't have much knowledge of the language, I should be ashamed. But so what, I'm not. Heh. And this morning, I was sorting out notes that I kept since my brother finished his SPM 3 years ago and I found out that there's Form 4 Chemistry and Physics notes in there! Gahhh, if only I went through it earlier. Maybe I wouldn't be such a failure then :( I have a year left to the final exam of my high school years, the most important exam yet. Gotta catch up on everything that I've missed. I hope I don't waste the time that I have like I did this year. It's so hard for me to concentrate. Maybe I have ADD or something. Urghh. Well, off to study now. Wish me luck!


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